Join us for fellowship and services!
Prayer is the essence of Orthodox Christian life. The daily, weekly and annual cycles of the Church, complete with its fasts, feats, services and biblical readings, incorporate us into the mysteries and life of our Savior Jesus Christ.
We would love to welcome you to worship with us! Our Visitors page has information on our location and service times. We will have a welcome packet for you and invite you to stay afterward to meet us.
Early Christians devoted themselves to koinonia, or “common life”. We endeavor to do the same. With a variety of ministries, Saint Alexander provides many opportunities to spiritually grow through mutual support and edification.
Events outside liturgical life provide the opportunity to serve Christ through outreach and fellowship. By fulfilling His commandments to make disciples and serve the least of His brethren, we remain committed to proclaiming the Gospel and bringing light and love to our community.
St. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral is a community of Orthodox Christians seeking to glorify God by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness to all people in the Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania region.
We look forward to meeting you! St. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral is conveniently located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh.