Welcome Guests and Newcomers!
St. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral, located in the suburbs just north of Pittsburgh, is a community of the Diocese of Western Pennsylvania in the Orthodox Church in America.
Students away from home, families, professionals, inquirers and everyone interested are invited to participate in the life of the Orthodox Church at St. Alexander Nevsky.
First Time to an Orthodox Church?
The internet is a wonderful place to research and find information about Orthodoxy. However, if you are in the Pittsburgh area, we encourage you to visit us in person. Our regular service times are listed below, and a complete listing of our services is on our Calendar page.
For those who are new to our parish or new to Orthodoxy, we encourage you to see what to expect at an Orthodox service. Additionally, there are many resources to learn about the Orthodox Church.
Our weekend schedule is centered on Saturday Vespers and Sunday’s Divine Liturgy, with services also held on holy days throughout the year.
Sunday: Divine Liturgy at 9:30 AM
Saturday: Vespers at 6:00 PM
Weekdays: Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM, with Vespers at 7:00 PM the preceding evening
View our full calendar for complete information on all upcoming services.
Coffee Hour
After the Sunday Divine Liturgy, all are invited downstairs for coffee hour. Coffee, tea, pastries and often a light lunch are provided by “coffee hour hosts” – a rotating group of volunteer parishioners.
We certainly hope you will join us if you are visiting or have any questions about the Orthodox faith and life.