St Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral has been a parish ministry of Orthodox Christians for Life since March 2022, with encouragement from His Eminence Archbishop Melchisedek, Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania.

Orthodox Christians for Life (OCLife) is “a non-profit organization dedicated to mobilizing the Orthodox community to live out the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of human life by joining the movement to save babies and support women in crisis pregnancies.” (

MISSION: To equip the Orthodox Christian community to strengthen its commitment to the sacredness of human life from conception to death, illuminating the Church’s teaching on life issues through education and engagement.

VISION: For every Orthodox Christian to learn and embrace an Orthodox pro-life ethic.

As a parish ministry, of OCLife, our mission is to cultivate Orthodox pro-life involvement in our church and the Pittsburgh community. We conduct our work through three pillars of engagement:

WE PRAY for abortion vulnerable women and men, all those participating in abortion, and for an end to abortion.

  • We have Molebens for Victims of Abortion on a regular basis.

  • We participate in the Pennsylvania March for Life, where we conduct prayer services.

  • In conjunction with 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil, we pray in front of abortion facilities.

WE EDUCATE our parish to raise awareness about bioethical issues and create a culture of life.

  • We sponsor talks and retreats on topics regarding sanctity of life, abortion, and post-abortive healing.

WE SERVE our local community by supporting organizations that help women in unplanned pregnancies.

  • We support the Network of Life as a church partner in multiple ways—volunteer service to their pregnancy centers, monetary donations, support to families (e.g., gift bags, gift cards, Angel Tree baby supply donations, diaper drives), and prayer.

WE ARE A PARISH MINISTRY—NOT A CLUB. Our bi-monthly meetings are open to all parishioners.